I wasn’t surprised to discover that more and more women prefer sipping white wines and rose wines over any type of wine. “It’s a clear trend” says Corinne Joseph, owner of D+B Wines in Cebu, “and we see this in our events and in our sales.

The growth of white wine sales has been steady since we began the business 18 years ago, but the sales of Rose have just skyrocketed over the last 3 years. 

Of the 6 roses we sell, the lovely Fat Bastard Rose clearly leads the pack. It’s so refined, with just enough body to keep you interested. Don’t women prefer men like that?” Corinne asked naughtily.

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I decided to confirm this by asking my many successful friends and acquaintances (female, of course) about their wine preferences and sure enough, of the 14 women I talked to, 11 said that they preferred the more subtle flavors of chilled and refreshing white wine and rose. 

Six of women also confirmed what Corinne told me – that white wine and rose are particularly good when paired with Filipino and Asian food. 

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Corinne is one of Cebu’s foremost food and wine pairing advocates. “Any kind of wine should always be taken with the right type of food and you can drink rose with almost anything.”, she said.

Corinne also said that rose have become so popular that there have been times when they had to limit sales to ensure that they have enough stock for all their customers.

“We have many new people coming to the store looking for Rose, and happily, we have a good selection of old and new world roses that I love to drink”.

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So, I looked at the grapes that go into making these wines and tried to figure out why they are so popular with Cebuanas.

Moscato, Rose, Chardonnay, or Sauvignon Blanc? Or another 20 different white wine and rose wine grapes? The choices can be overwhelming! I always say, try them all – but in moderation, of course. 

I actually created a short guide to assist you (and I) in selecting the right wine for you, beginning with the most popular types of wine:



Moscato is a wine made from the muscat grape that is medium-sweet, delicate, and very fruity.

The best way to describe moscato’s flavor is to compare it to the flavor of a sweet peach. Moscato is frequently served as an aperitif, but it can also be consumed on its own. Some moscato’s are too sweet while some are just lovely.


Rosé wine

Rosé wine is similar to red wine (the wine is exposed to red grape skins but for a shorter time) but is lighter, less acidic and less tannic than red wine. 

Red fruits, melon, rose petals, celery, and citrus flavors are the most common in rosé. Roses can be made from many grapes but the primary grapes are grenache, shiraz, and cabernet sauvignon, among others.

Fat Bastard Chardonnay Cebu


Chardonnay’s flavor varies depending on the climate in which it grows. The flavor of the grapes varies depending on how ripe they are, from citrus and green apple to overripe peach.

Chardonnays can be bright and refreshing or more mature with deeper flavors depending on how the wine was aged.

Fat Bastard Sauvignon Blanc Cebe

Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc‘s primary fruit flavors are lime, green apple, passion fruit, and white peach. The flavor of the wine will vary depending on how ripe the grapes are when it is made, from zesty lime to flowery peach. 

New world sauvignon blancs tend to be more fruity than the more mature wines from the old world. 

All these grapes and wines were easy to drink and all the flavors, of the well-made wines (not all wines are created equal) I tasted, were refined and bright and fun! 

The wines are also served refreshingly chilled which makes them great to sip on a hot day.  

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At the end of the day, it makes no difference why successful Cebuana women prefer white wine or rosé. I just enjoy looking at a woman who loves and knows her wine and she knows it too. 

A woman with a good glass of wine adds a big touch of class and sophistication to her image. And… I love the scent of white wine or rose on a womans breath. But that’s just me.

And by the way, if want to learn about wine, D+B Wines & Spirits offers free wine appreciation classes. Click here to go to their Facebook page to leave a message.